
Clinton, The 'Pantsuit Pioneer' Makes a Comeback!

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Don't sleep on Hillary Clinton! Why? Because when that phone rings at 3 a.m. in the White House, she won't be asleep!

After citibank student loan consolidation Super Tuesday-2 (March 4) rejuvenating victory in Rhode Island and Ohio, former first lady, Sen. Hillary Clinton announced, "We're going on. We're going strong and we're going all the way."

Yes, the 'Pantsuit Pioneer' ceased all talks of an imminent candidacy withdrawal when she broke Sen. Barack Obama's French fries of 12 consecutive primary and caucus wins. Clinton won the Appleton mortgage refinance primaries in Rhode Island, Ohio (a state known to be the most critical in determining who would be the next President of the United States) and Texas, gaining momentum to look toward Pennsylvania, the next big contest.

Can she win the race Know Your Credit History the White House? Folks argue that: the math does not add up for Clinton; she will not be able to secure enough delegates; her Super Tuesday-2 victory does not give her an edge over her rival, Obama... But, Clinton can certainly argue that she's proven to be capable of winning the largest and most critical states the Democrats need to secure a win in this race for the White House. After all, had Florida and Michigan not gotten disqualified for moving up their primaries, the question of whether or not the math is adding up for Clinton would be pointless!

It seems clear that the Democratic nominee is going to be determined by the superdelegates; therefore, Clinton is not going anywhere before then. So, if you're expecting to hear the fat lady sing anytime soon, I would suggest you pay a visit to Broadway...Cat on a Hot student debt consolidation Roof is playing at the box office.

Election 2008 is soaring to an all-time high. Sen. John McCain has now secured the Republican nomination and former Governor Mike Huckabee has strummed his last tune. Can the 'Pantsuit Pioneer' continue her wins and take it all the way to the White House? Or, will Obama bring her reign to an end? Tune in to find out. And remember, if your phone rings at 3 o'clock in the morning... call Hillary, she'll answer it.

Copyright Denrique Preudhomme

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