
Is You're Network Marketing investment Growing or Dying

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I woke up this morning feeling overwhelmed by what it seemed like was going to be a very long day because it seemed like I had way too many tasks to complete. You have probably felt Bride of Frankenstein way plenty District of Columbia Lemon Laws times too.

So to motivate myself to take action instead of complaining I popped in a personal development and motivational cd Viagra my company mailed me this month, but first I want to share with you a joke that I heard this morning that I think you'll enjoy...

The speaker says that he has a vision of what heaven and hell is like. In heaven he says the comedy would be by the British. The cars are made by the Germans. The food is cooked by the French. The lovers are Italian and everything is ran by the Swiss. In hell comedy would be by the Germans. The food would be cooked by the British. The cars made by the French. The lovers would be the Swiss and everything would be organized by the Italians (ha ha).

Now back to the discussion. If your network marketing investment or any investment has stalled or is dying there is only one place to look at-you the leader. In a growing investment or a dying investment leadership is the answer or leadership is the problem. If the organization is Here Comes Santa Claus growing it is because the leader has stopped growing. It's not because your downline is not producing or lazy, you as a leader have failed to train them and provide them with leadership.

If you're not producing and growing then your downline is not going to produce.What normally happens when you recruit new prospects into your downline? You say, "Yes, now I can relax and let the new guys build the investment and watch the money pour in." That is the wrong attitude to have and that kind of thinking will result in the failure of your investment and let me tell you why.

When a new member joins your organization they're pumped up and excited they've been told that everybody that signs up after them will be placed underneath them and will count towards their commissions.The problem with this is that the new recruit has no idea how to get a lead nonetheless get them into their downline. Then during their first month they get rejected over and over again.

At this point, they're excitement is gone and they say if I'm not making any money in the next month or two I'm outta here. Why? Because the company's marketing system sucks and you the leader has failed to train them, provide leadership, continue to expand your knowledge and personal growth. The key to the long term success of your network marketing organization is exceptional leadership and continued personal growth.

To the top,

Shawn Charles
"The King of Recruiting"

P.S. Shawn Charles is an active network marketer if you want to know the little know secret behind how I make $12,987 a month regardless of if or not anyone ever joins my investment then go to... www.Your-Mlm-Profits.comhttp://www.Your-Mlm-Profits.com

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